Master the spotlight

The investment industry puts a high value on intellectual ability. We think everyone is rational actor making decisions based on data and clear analysis. We often forget how we present is a vital part of what makes us credible.

We set the tone for a meeting or a speech from the way we walk on stage and greet the audience. How we use our voice and body language determines whether we are perceived as confident and credible or insecure and muddled.

Yet we don’t recognise the importance of these skills or look to work with professionals to improve them.

The words you choose to use is just as important as delivery. But speeches are rarely crafted and presentations over-reliant on data rather than stories.

When you consider how important establishing connections and building relationships is for the investment industry, it’s crazy that we don’t put a greater emphasis on improving these skills.

Moore Squared Communications Charlotte Moore Presentation Skills

How we can help

  • Improve your voice and body language – We work with the UK’s leading voice- and body-language coach to help you to be calm and confident in any situation.
  • Perform well in any situation – Whether it’s standing on a stage, pitching to clients, performing better in Zoom calls or interacting with journalists, we can help to improve your performance.
  • Media training – Our combined experience of working as freelance journalist and in corporate communication departments makes us ideally suited to teach how you to perform well in media interviews and build relationships with journalists.

Optimise your public performance to deepen client connections

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