Asset Management

Value for money

Value for money

While UK defined benefit pensions have experienced rapid change in recent years, in the world of defined contribution political ambitions have created a confusing agenda. The political plan for DC has been driven by an emerging cross-party consensus to encourage...

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The buyout bonanza

The buyout bonanza

The rapid improvement in defined benefit pension scheme funding levels over the space of last year is extraordinary. According the Purple Book, surpluses in 2023 were £367bn, an increase of more than £110bn from 2022. With buy-out transfers expected to be around £50bn...

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The great unwind

The great unwind

In recent years, institutional investors had to adopt the philosophy of the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland and believe six impossible things before breakfast. If someone had predicted in 2020 that the post global-financial crisis interest-rate cuts would have been...

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War and maverick politicians

War and maverick politicians

In 2022 the headwinds facing asset managers reliant on the UK’s £3trn occupational pension schemes became even more extreme. The war in Ukraine and Liz Truss’ actions last September brought about a once in a generation change to financial markets. (I've used a photo...

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A tough ten years

A tough ten years

It has been a Darwinian decade for asset managers with some parts of the industry eating the lunch of others. Companies have forced to become nimble and adapt to the rise of low-cost passive investment. The ability to design products which track indices at cheap...

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