Glimpsing the sea at the bottom of the hill as you walk along George Street in Edinburgh never gets old. This year’s PLSA investment conference was the usual delightful confection of industry insight, gossip and jokes. It was a great way to end a busy month of in-person events. On the last day of January, I hosted the first sustainable networking event of the year where we discussed if insurers would become the UK’s largest sustainable investors. I also co-hosted a how to network evening with two panellists I meet by – yes, you guessed it! –networking. Invitations to the next the sustainable event have been sent out and I’m feeling excited about hosting the first in a new format. Get in touch if you would like to come along.
Will insurers become the UK’s largest sustainable investors?
The first sustainable networking event of the year kicked off with a discussion about the implications of the buyout bonanza on insurers’ sustainable investment plan. The number of audience members frantically making notes gave me an idea of just how hot a topic this was! The panellists did a great job explaining how they expect buyout market to develop in coming years, what the sustainability implications are for these multi-billion asset flows and what opportunities this could create for asset managers. Invitations for the next event have been sent out and I’m feeling excited about the first in a new format. Get in touch if you would like to come along.
How to network
In February I co-hosted an evening on how to network with two other women who are excellent at the art of building relationships. I meet my fellow panellists by – yes, you guessed it! – networking. Our event proved popular with around 100 attendees and the content landed well with all of us receiving positive individual feedback. The ability to build strong professional relationships is vital to the success of so many different professions yet we rarely teach people how to do this effectively. There must be a better way to equip professionals with these vital skills.
PLSA investment conference
There is an austere romance to Edinburgh, especially in the month of February. Any trip outdoors usually results in a quick sprinkle of rain and blast of sea air but that only adds to its charm. I owe the depth of my contact book to the hours I’ve spent networking in windowless conference rooms. My three days in Scotland made me tired but happy as I clocked up 17 one-on-one meetings as well as breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Thanks to everyone who took the time to chat, share gossip and make me laugh. I’m already looking forward to the annual conferences in Liverpool.