The corporate party is back!

30 June 2022

You might have noticed there was no newsletter at the end of last month. I felt so happy to be back in Edinburgh in May for the first in-person PLSA conference in two years but I came home with covid, which put me out of diary-writing action. To make up for it, this newsletter will celebrate both months’ achievements! Events have burst back to life and it’s been such fun to be socialising regularly. Last month I was shortlisted for Headline Money’s investment journalist of the year (B2B). Dead chuffed! I also launched my ‘Avoid being labelled a greenwasher’ quiz in May. I’ve recently written a post asking if greenwashing will kill ESG as well as organising not one but two networking events. It’s been a busy eight weeks!

Headline Money Awards

At last year’s Headline Money awards, Blaise Tapp of The People’s Pension asked me whether I had entered any categories. I said I hadn’t. He replied: “You should. I think you have a good chance.” I took his advice and entered this year’s investment journalist of the year (B2B). (In true journalist style, I did this by the skin of my teeth, almost missing the deadline for entries…!) I’m delighted to discover I’ve been shortlisted for the award. Looking forward to the ceremony in July. A big thanks to Blaise for the suggestion.

Avoid being labelled a greenwasher

Credibility is vital to building trust with potential and current clients. That’s true for any asset manager but especially important for those who want to be perceived as a best-in-class sustainable investment manager. To avoid being labelled a greenwasher you need a clear purpose and a way to communicate that vision. I created this quiz to identify your current sustainable investment strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to improve so you can stay ahead of your competitors. Curious? Then take the test! It’s only 15 questions and takes only three minutes.

Will greenwashing kill ESG?

A punchy article in the Financial Times earlier this month opens with: “The term ESG is less than two decades old but it may be coming to the end of its useful life.” Too right! This post calls for a better term to describe sustainable investing. Using ESG to describe an investment strategy is like calling a bicycle ‘a device which contains gears’ – you have no idea whether the it will help you to travel faster, open a can or drill a hole in the wall. While asset managers like the wooliness of ESG because it encompasses so many different investment styles, they don’t appreciate it also facilitates greenwashing, creates confusion and erodes trust. It’s time to be precise about your vision and find ways to communicate your purpose which resonates with colleagues and clients.

Latest networking events

I feel excited to announce not one but two networking events! The first will take place on Wednesday, 21st September and the second on Wednesday, 9th November. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.


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Flying start

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Three years

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