Winter citrus

31 January 2023

Today is the final day of January! Isn’t that delightful? It is the cruellest of months – dark and dingy but with none of the festive joy of December. Every year I seek succour in citrus. Seville oranges to be precise. I spend a happy two days juicing, slicing, soaking and cooking to turn these knobbly fruits into marmalade. This month my first article of the year was published in IPE which looked how DC pension schemes are taking steps to make their voice heard. I’m holding the first networking event of the year tonight where we will be discussing the impact of the LDI crisis on defined benefit pension schemes ability to invest sustainably. I feel proud of the program of events I have lined up for the rest of the year so get in touch if you would like to take part. I’m also excited to announce that I’m writing for two new publications this year – Sustainable Investment and Professional Wealth Management. Keep your eyes peeled for articles appearing in those titles in coming months!

DC Pensions: Funds take greater role in corporate stewardship

My first piece of the year, published in IPE, looks at how DC pension schemes are taking steps to make their voice heard, despite voting power still being concentrated with asset managers. While asset owners don’t want to take on all the responsibility, they increasingly need managers’ voting practices to be in alignment with their investment beliefs. This is more complex, however, for those schemes using pooled funds rather than segregated accounts.

Networking events

The first event of 2023 takes place tonight and we will be discussing how the LDI crisis has affected closed defined benefit schemes’ ability to invest sustainably. I’m feeling proud of the program I’ve put together for the rest of the year. The theme and panellists for the next event on Wednesday, 22nd March are already in the bag and plans well underway for events in May, September and November. Do get in touch if you want to attend!

The power of awards

A helpful communications professional once suggested I read Daniel Priestley’s Key Person of Influence as it might have some useful ideas to help me to grow my business. One of its recommendations is to enter awards as a way to raise your profile. With the ceremonies back in full swing last year, I did exactly that. I did well – getting shortlisted, highly commended in a couple of awards as well as winning the passive investment journalist category at the State Street Institutional Press Awards. As Priestley suggested, it raised my profile and connections on LinkedIn and I’ve also started to write for a number of new publications. If you are looking for an award-winning journalist to help you to write award-winning entries, then get in touch!

Avoid being labelled a greenwasher

Credibility is vital to building trust with potential and current clients. That’s true for any asset manager but especially important for those who want to be perceived as a best-in-class sustainable investment manager. To avoid being labelled a greenwasher you need a clear purpose and a way to communicate that vision. I created this quiz to identify your current sustainable investment strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to improve so you can stay ahead of your competitors. Curious? Then take the test! It’s only 15 questions and takes only three minutes.

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