
Five life hacks to keep after lockdown

Five life hacks to keep after lockdown

Sunny April skies heralded our return to a more normal life after more than a year of pandemic. I counted down the days until restrictions lifted and embraced getting a haircut and exercising in a gym. The greatest pleasure has been meeting friends for dinner – even...

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Creating a better working environment

Creating a better working environment

Recent work-related conversations have fallen into a pattern. They open with a discussion about how we feel about being at home five days a week. Many say they enjoy the extra time freed up by not commuting and how much easier it is to be productive in the quiet of...

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The future of the office

The future of the office

At the end of February I stood in a meeting room in the City looking into a nearby office block. Rows of workers sat staring silently at computer screens. I thought: “Why bother travelling for an hour to not talk to colleagues and stare at a PC screen? Couldn’t you...

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Tips for writing

Tips for writing

The lockdown has made us embrace communication. Marketing departments need extra content as they grapple with maintaining relationships in this restrained environment. Both portfolio and relationship managers are under pressure to produce clear copy to capture the...

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Working well from home

Working well from home

While many in the professional service sector are used to remote working one or two days a week, turning your home into your office can be challenging. Over the last 14 years I’ve learnt how to make running a business from my flat a productive and enjoyable...

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