Sustainable investing

Will greenwashing kill ESG?

Will greenwashing kill ESG?

“The term ESG is less than two decades old, but it may already be coming to the end of its useful life.” That's the opening sentence of the article How ESG came to a reckoning published earlier this month by the Financial Times. My reaction to that intro? I do hope...

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Impact investing and you

Impact investing and you

Sustainable investing is following a well-trodden path. As a new investment trend gains popularity, it becomes more sophisticated as people get to grips with the concept. What started out as risk management has turned into making a positive change. In my last post I...

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What is impact investing?

What is impact investing?

Just like life, sustainable investing is a journey. When investors take their first step, they tend to focus on risk and look to exclude the most egregious companies from their portfolios. As they become more comfortable with this way of building portfolios they think...

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The fossil fuel challenge

The fossil fuel challenge

There is a potential storm brewing between scheme members and pension providers over investing in fossil fuel companies. Six out of 10 UK adults do not want financial firms to support or profit from fossil fuel extraction. That’s what a recent survey by Opinium...

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ESG and you

ESG and you

Now we have established environmental, social and governance factors are not a form of sustainable investing but instead a tool, we can turn our attention to the way they are used in standard workplace pension schemes. In this post, I explained how examining ESG...

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Don’t mention ESG

Don’t mention ESG

Feedback is so helpful. I thought my last post explained why I feel frustrated when asset managers talk about ESG investing. But the useful comments I received in response to posting on LinkedIn made me realise I had not been clear. Using a TLA as a descriptor adds to...

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What does ESG mean?

What does ESG mean?

Sustainable investing terminology can be perplexing. Rather than clearly define their terms, asset managers assume a high level of prior knowledge and frequently lapse into jargon. As I outlined in my first post, this lack of clarity creates confusion. Referring to...

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Changing company behaviour

Changing company behaviour

By providing capital to companies, investors have influence on executive boards. When used wisely, shareholder voting rights and debt negotiations can persuade companies to act outside of their comfort zone. In my last post, I explained how investors could choose to...

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Exclude or engage?

Exclude or engage?

Investors face a choice about how to treat companies with less than perfect sustainability characteristics – they can exclude them from their portfolio or they can invest in them and aim to change corporate behaviour. As my first blog post outlined, excluding...

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Shades of sustainability

Shades of sustainability

Sustainable investing can be a confusing concept. That’s because it covers a range of different investment styles and there is a lack of clear definitions. The spectrum of capital as outlined here by Karen Shackleton is a useful framework to gain a great understanding...

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